Salary benefits more profitable &
less expensive than a salary
Your employees always more loyal
to your company
Reduce the costs of stress &
psychosocial risks

Attract exceptional talents &
integrate them quickly
The human being at the heart
your profitability
Combine all your benefits &
boost their efficiency
Each of the VIREO services is designed to meet a fundamental need of your employees.
Your employees will no longer be able to do without it and that’s good for your company !
The VIREO personal space
A private digital space for each of your employees in which they have access to their salary benefits.
My Health
An internationally validated digital tool to measure well-being, prevent psychosocial risks and maximize your employees’ performances.
My Tax
The digital and user-friendly tax advisor that allows all your employees to manage their taxes without any prior knowledge. For residents and non-residents alike.
My Need
A personalized analysis of your employees’ needs to protect, develop and optimize their financial situation and family wealth.
My Lawyer
A digital tool to establish legal contacts and the certainty for your employees of privileged access to reputable lawyers in their region at advantageous rates.
My First Step
Facilitate the integration of your new talents thanks to a personalized assistance to start with your company and the Luxembourg’s working life.
My Benefits
Collect all the salary benefits that you offer your employees and join them to the VIREO personal space to boost their efficiency and maximize their use.
Willing to meet the challenges of your company ?
There are no better professional relationships than those based on trust and a win-win feeling. VIREO gives itself the means so that your company can focus on what it does best !
Find out how in our presentation brochure
VIREO Take care of your employees They will take care of your business
Our salary benefits offer your company financial added value and personalized assistance to each of your employees. In just one year, you increase your presenteeism statistics and attractiveness.
Our goal is to offer your employees more while reducing your company costs. Best of all, our salary package and all the benefits it contains are 100% deductible !